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DIY Install Guide

If you feel you’re technically versed enough to do it yourself, here’s a general guide to replace Windows 10 on your laptop.

Do Backups!Before you start, make sure to back up any important data from the computer you’re about to reinstall!
  1. Download a new OS
    Download the operating system you want to install. If you don’t know which one you want yet, this website can help:
    distrochooser.de →
  2. Flash to a USB key
    Flash the operating system to a USB stick using a standard tool, such as Etcher. This will overwrite all data on the USB stick, so make sure to back up the files you want to keep.
    Get Etcher →
  3. Boot and install on your computer
    Boot your computer from USB you will need to know the correct keyboard combination beforehand. Then follow the instructions, and voilà! Welcome to your new, old computer!